China Standard Front Axle Gearbox (clockwise) with Hot selling

Product Description

Dear friends!
My name is Irina Mamoshina. Please pay a moment of your attention : -).
Our company HangZhou CHINAMFG International Trade Co., Ltd is engaged in the production and sale of auto parts for Chinese special equipment, engines and equipment assembly. We also produce metal parts ourselves, such as gears, fingers, filters, etc.
Our products include:
ZL30G, ZL40G, ZL50G, ZL50GL, ZL60G, LW3, A, , B7615-1571/411B/Yuchai YC6B125/YC6108 12 112 Палец рулевого цилиндра Steering cylinder finger 251405716/251757103/XCMG/40х140 20 113 Палец балансира заднего моста (вилка) Rear axle balance pin (fork) 255715712/Z3.8.5/255715712/Z3.8.5/XCMG/50х145 10 114 Палец вилка (рама гц ковша) Finger fork (bucket hydraulic cylinder frame) Z5G.6.21/251405710/XCMG/80х240 6 115 Трубка топливная (обратка форсунок) двигателя Yuchai Fuel tube (return of injectors) of the CHINAMFG engine , BA/YC6B125/YC6108 1 116 Шайба медная форсунки двигателя Copper washer of the engine nozzle 630-1112,, 411 1 135 Вал КПП задней передачи Reverse gear gearbox shaft LW3 1 136 Вал основной ступичный Main hub shaft 83513201/SP105819/PY180.39.02-01 1 137 Вилка фланцевая вала карданного промежуточного Flange fork of the cardan intermediate shaft Z3.4.2-01/LW3 4 145 Втулка нижняя Lower bushing ZL50E-6-2/2504C 2 186 Насос гидравлический Hydraulic pump CBT-E316/CBN-F316 1 187 Насос гидравлический Hydraulic pump CBG2040/JHP2040/W0606A 2 223 Тяга рулевая Steering rod 1 575 Колпачок маслосьемный Oil-removing cap M66/SP106197/SP106810/SP140709 5 577 Кольцо гильзы цилиндра КОМПЛЕКТ (12 шт.) Cylinder Liner Ring SET (12 pcs.) A3 2 579 Насос масляный Oil pump 1AQ, B76481303 1 583 Турбокомпрессор Turbocharger JP60C1G-502 1 584 Болт ГБЦ двигателя Deutz Cylinder head bolt of the CHINAMFG engine 13054119, 1357177, 411/TD226B-6/WP6G125E22 60 585 Болт шатунный Connecting rod bolt 12167047/411/TD226В (DEUTZ), WP4, WP6 10 589 Фильтр топливный тонкой очистки Fuel fine filter 13571488, 72, 9151/LG 952/80х95х90 20 606 Втулка маятника (рокера) центральная The hub of the pendulum (rocker) is central 4043, 2927/LG 936/60х235 16 625 Палец крепления стрелы к раме (у кабины) Boom attachment finger to the frame (at the cabin) 4043/LG 933, 936/65х235 6 626 Палец сочленения тяги ковша с ковшом Bucket thrust joint finger with bucket 4043/SDLG, XCMG, SEM 60 635 Термостат уточка Duckling thermostat 615G00060016/41100571085/71С ZL50G/WD615 10 636 Трос газа Gas cable 2571900170/L=2300 CHINAMFG 956 6 637 Фильтр гидравлический Hydraulic filter 29100004061/LG 936 20 638 Фланец пальца сочленения полурам верхний The flange of the joint finger is hollow upper 29250004011/SDLG LG936 30 639 Фланец пальца сочленения полурам нижний The flange of the joint finger is hollow bottom 292500 0571 1/LG 936 30 640 Шайба регулировочная (сочл палец-втулка) Adjusting washer (pin-sleeve joint) 4043000125/60*100*1 LG-933, 936 150 641 Шайба регулировочная (сочл палец-втулка) Adjusting washer (pin-sleeve joint) 4043000198/65*140*2 LG-933, 936 20 642 Шестерня сателлита Шестерня сателлита 3050900041 2 643 Щетка с поводком очистителя ветрового стекла (под 2 шлицевых вала) Brush with windscreen cleaner leash (under 2 spline shafts) K936571004 30 644 Колпачок маслосъёмный двигателя (ОРИГИНАЛ) Engine oil removal cap (ORIGINAL) D04-107-30+C/ZheJiang D6114ZG2B 60 645 Привод вентилятора в сборе Fan drive assembly 16AZ009/C6121 1                                                                                                              

Component: Cooling Fan
Body Material: Aluminium
Cold Style: Air-cooled
Certification: ISO9001, TS16949, CE, RoHS, COP, CCC, E-Mark
Structure: Piston Type
Cooling Fluid Type: Glycol


Common Problems with Gearboxes and How to Troubleshoot Them

Gearboxes can encounter various issues over time. Here are some common problems and troubleshooting steps:

  1. Noise and Vibration: Excessive noise or vibration may indicate misalignment, worn gears, or insufficient lubrication. Check alignment, inspect gears for wear, and ensure proper lubrication.
  2. Overheating: Overheating can be caused by high friction, inadequate lubrication, or overloading. Verify lubrication levels, reduce loads, and ensure proper ventilation.
  3. Leakage: Oil leaks may result from worn seals or gaskets. Inspect and replace damaged seals, and ensure proper sealing.
  4. Reduced Performance: Decreased performance could be due to worn gears, damaged bearings, or misalignment. Inspect components, replace damaged parts, and realign as needed.
  5. Gear Wear and Tooth Damage: Wear on gear teeth can result from excessive loads or poor lubrication. Replace worn gears and ensure proper lubrication.
  6. Shaft Misalignment: Shaft misalignment can lead to increased wear and noise. Realign shafts using precision measurement tools.
  7. Lubrication Issues: Inadequate or contaminated lubrication can cause premature wear. Regularly check and replace lubricant, and use the correct type for your gearbox.
  8. Bearing Failure: Bearing failure may result from overload, misalignment, or inadequate lubrication. Replace worn bearings and address underlying issues.
  9. Seal Damage: Damaged seals can lead to leaks and contamination. Replace seals and ensure proper installation.
  10. Gearbox Lockup: Gearbox lockup may occur due to foreign objects or damaged components. Disassemble and inspect the gearbox, removing any obstructions and replacing damaged parts.

Regular maintenance, proper lubrication, and timely troubleshooting are key to addressing gearbox problems and ensuring smooth operation.

China Standard Front Axle Gearbox (clockwise)   with Hot selling		China Standard Front Axle Gearbox (clockwise)   with Hot selling
editor by CX 2023-09-26